Thursday, March 4, 2010

Journal 2: Using Podcasts to Develop a Global Perspective (NETS I, III, & V)

Maguth, Brad.M., & Elliot, Jeff. (2010). Using Podcasts to develop a global perspective . International Society for Technology & Education, Retrieved from

This article is about using podcast to engage students in learning about other cultures. Educators are responsible for making students aware of global challenges but to also teach them about the cultural diversity of our world. The article states that it is essential that students learn to understand, respect, and even to collaborate with culturally diverse global populations if they are to find solutions to these challenges. A high school in Columbus, Ohio is using the podcast to engage students in learning about other cultures. Podcasting allows students the opportunity to interact with digital technologies. Also allows students to apply what they know and reach a wider, even global audience. I think this is a great project to have high school students to work on. There are so many learning aspects that come with this project because podcasting involves a lot of planning, research, writing and editing. The students work in groups on this project. The students must learn how to manage their time, as well as working together with their group. The students also get experience with different software. This project is great because it authentic. The students will really reach people. Having an authentic audience via the Internet is a motivator for the students and encourages them to appreciate culturally diverse perspectives.

Question 1:

Do you believe that this project is a good way your student can understand global issues?

I think that this project is a great way to allow students to understand global issues and how important they are to know what is going on in the world. This project also makes learning these issues.

Question 2:

What is another way for students to express their opinion/ideas using technology that will have the same impact as podcasting?

I think that blogging is another way for students to connect with the diverse cultures. It is a perfect way to allow the students to spread their opinions/ideas. Another grate technology that I think is similar to podcasting is youtube. Students could create a news cast and post it on youtube to get the word out.

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